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Update: 36 Homes On Glebe Meadow

FULM/MAL/24/00017 (Direct Link)

Glebe Meadow, Adjacent King Georges Field, Station Road

Benferri Developments

The previous planning application has been updated to include a footway to the east side of Vicarage Court, which was not included in the original application. This is likely at Essex Highways deemed the road too narrow and the developer now wants to increase the road size to help the application go through.

Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure)

(England) Order 2015



Proposed development at Glebe Meadow, land east of Vicarage Court, Southminster.

Take notice that Benferri Developments Limited is applying for planning permission to

create 36 no. one, two, three and four bedroom houses and maisonettes, associated

landscaping, roads, parking and drainage infrastructure, plus a new area of public open

space and the addition of a footway to the east side of Vicarage Court.

The local planning authority to whom the application is being submitted to is Maldon

District Council at Princes Road, Maldon, Essex, CM9 5DL.

Any owner* or tenant** who wishes to make representations about this application

should write to the council within 21 days of this notice.

* “owner” means a person having a freehold interest or leasehold interest the

unexpired term of which is not less than seven years).

** “tenant” means a tenant of an agricultural holding any part of which is comprised

in the land.


Michael Smith, JCN Design & Planning

Date: 18 April 2024

Statement of owner’s rights

The grant of planning permission does not affect owners’ rights to retain or dispose

of their property, unless there is some provision to the contrary in an agreement or

in a lease.

Statement of agricultural tenants’ rights

The grant of planning permission for non-agricultural development may affect

agricultural tenants’ security of tenure.

At this time it is unclear if the re-application will solely affect the residents of Vicarage Court, but it is recommended for those to re-submit their objection including the new foot-path included.


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